
We’ve talked about words that hurt. Today I want to turn our minds to the positive and healing opportunities of language. 

Words matter.

Those phrases that damage and tear down can be healed.

Allow me to share a personal story to illustrate:

My husband’s family tormented him as a child with cruel words and physical abuse. By the time Rob entered Jr. High School, he believed he was stupid and worthless.

Thank heaven for a teacher who saw Rob differently.  Mr. Johnson told this skinny boy that he was as smart as any of the kids in the class. He just needed to believe in himself.  To prove his trust in Rob’s abilities, Mr. Johnson gave him the task of audio-visual man for the school. If a film was to be shown, Rob set up the projector and made sure all went smoothly.  Mr. Johnson commended his excellent work and dubbed him the ‘immortal audio-visual man’. Rob’s grades improved. His damaged self-esteem began to heal and sprouted under this teacher’s nurture. This was the beginning of this boy’s successful life.

Would he have gotten there anyway? Rob doubts it.  This was a turning point in his life and Mr. Johnson made all the difference. Years later, Rob stopped by the school and found Mr. Johnson in his classroom preparing for tomorrow’s class. He looked up and saw a grown man where the child once stood.

Mr. Johnson smiled, called him by name and added, “the immortal audio visual man.”

Seeing worth in another and using words to lift them to their potential is a great gift.

There is no accident that you’re reading this. This message is for you. Know that you are valuable. You’re more than you think and greater than you seem.

Deep down, we are all immortal.

Has anyone made a difference in your life with kind and truthful words?

L.L. Muir
4/1/2013 04:09:09 am

Excellent reminder. Excellent.

4/1/2013 07:37:57 am

Thanks for stopping by. Sending a cyber hug to you.

4/1/2013 04:41:30 am

This is a great post, Sandy. In my day job over the years, I see the results daily. Not only does the voice have life, but word carry power. Thanks for sharing your insights.

4/1/2013 07:39:13 am

Thanks you Stan. Life is too short to use our words to hurt each other.
Thank you for always being one with kind words and wisdom.

4/1/2013 05:53:23 am

Love this post. Thank you for sharing such a personal story. Special H.U.G.S. to the immortal audio visual man and to you. Well done.

4/1/2013 07:40:17 am

Thanks Jude! I will pass it on. Thanks you for supporting us with your positive words.

4/1/2013 09:49:09 am

Thank you for sharing this with us. It breaks my heart to think anyone could do such a thing to a child, let alone one of their own. In our house, we always try to make the kids feel good about themselves. Even going as far as to never have called them a bad child, but telling them they did a bad thing. Huge difference for even good people make bad choices. It's how we learn.

I think I'll give my kids an extra kiss tonight!

4/1/2013 12:27:50 pm

I'm thrilled to hear how you treat your children. All forms of child abuse sicken me. Some scars run deep and aren't visible. It's the good people in this world that can heal the damage. I'm glad your kids have you!

4/2/2013 12:35:02 am

Thanks Sandy for the words of wisdom. It brought tears to my eyes. I saw this type of distructive words in my husband's family as well. Thank God for wise teachers. Judy

4/2/2013 06:26:29 am

It's tough to watch the destructive force of child abuse linger. Hugs to you and your husband, Judy. Healing is life long.

4/2/2013 04:37:00 am

Thank you for this post, Sandy. Not only do words hurt, but children accept words such as "fat," dumb," "clumsy," etc., and then let them define who they are. We all need to be careful what we say because in reality, we are planting seeds.

4/2/2013 06:27:42 am

Brilliant comment, Sandy! This is what happened to my husband. Words defined him. He battles those voices everyday, but he's winning.

4/4/2013 07:34:29 am

Lovely post, Sandy. And so true. I think it takes a lot of praise for a child to forget all the put downs, but it can be done. Don't we all have a child inside?

4/4/2013 10:19:42 am

That child does still live in us. Now we can parent it ourselves and heal those wounds. Thanks for the fine insights, Carole.

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