
Sandy L. Rowland

I'm a wife, mother and grandmother. I've worked in banking, as a life coach, practiced and taught massage therapy, and I'm an award winning author of paranormal and fantasy romance.
Sharing life and love with my family, between the Wasatch Mountains and red rock desert.


Humans are adverse to change.
We prefer the same routine, same job, same relationships, same beliefs and the same food.
Sounds dull and confining.
It is.

Where's the excitement, adventure, and growth in living the endless loop of yesterday?
The movie, GROUND HOG DAY, is popular in part, because we can all relate to the tedium of our lives.
In the film, when does Phil Connors overcome frustration and depression?
When he chooses to overcome himself and change.

I was thrown into the volcanic furnace of change recently.

First, I was offered a contract for my novel.
Yahoo! Yes, very exciting and affirming.
I studied the contract, the rosy glow of acceptance faded in realities glare.
My goal of publication stared back at me from a standard contract.

I passed it up.
Yes, you read that correctly.
After much thought, research, and prayer, I chose to self publish.
There are a number of reasons for this, but this post is about change so here goes.

My sought after goal of traditional publication changed.
Then my husband decided to remodel the basement.
More change.
My daughter and her family are moving home after eight years living out of state.
Major happy dance.
Another change.

And they've moved in with us, wild two-year-old in tow, until they find a house.
Still happy dancing, but a bit tired.

And my point?
Embrace change and learn to love it.

There were other changes as well, a couple dear friends died, a betrayal, and an illness,
but I've chosen to get over the circumstances and grow.

My new mantra:
Change is good.
Change is my friend.
I love it!

My husband stares at me sideways when I chant under my breath during trying episodes.
He figures it's okay unless I start forming a cult.
A cult would be a static group centered on a firm belief,
and would run contrary to change.
Yeah, hubby can relax.
No cult.

Like Phil Connors in the film, I've chosen to wake up when the alarm bells ring,
see the opportunities, and make the most of them.

Where is change bringing new opportunities to you?

LL Muir
6/3/2012 03:48:48 pm

2 sons married off since January. That's change, baby.
Realizing I no longer have built-in babysitters for my autistic boy.
That's a change I knew was coming, but had pushed aside in the chaos.
So I'm dealing in the best way I can. I bought a fun little convertible so we can drive around wearing funny glasses and hats, and he can hold up his giant spinner and scream "Wheee! Wh' Wh' Whee!"
We love that.
And with his help, I'm learning how to stop rushing and to lighten up.

Sandy Rowland
6/3/2012 11:08:04 pm

Congratulations on the weddings and the cool new car.
I can see you wearing the glasses and hats. You make me laugh.
Change is constant and you have a terrific attitude for it.

I think I'll add "wheee" to the chant.

Jennifer (JC Page)
6/3/2012 03:53:57 pm

I can see change coming my way, too. And Wow!! Sandy a two-year running around...what a wonderful change for you as a Grandma! Happy that your blog is back, was waiting!! Thank-you.

Sandy Rowland
6/3/2012 11:11:37 pm

The two year old is a blast. Everything is change with her.
She changes my view of the world.

I'm glad you enjoy the blog.
I missed writing it.

6/3/2012 11:43:21 pm

Love it, Sandy! and I can't wait to read your book:-)

Sandy Rowland
6/5/2012 01:57:15 pm

Thank you! I can't wait for CONQUERED to be available.
Tons to learn in getting it out there.

6/3/2012 11:43:29 pm

Change is a constant. The big baddies, the anxiously awaited/wished, and the tiny deviations we hardly notice. Way to embrace Sandy!

Sandy Rowland
6/5/2012 01:58:33 pm

Accepting change is easier than fighting it.
Change wins every time.

Thanks for the support!

6/4/2012 12:58:53 am

This looks great Sandy! Wanna coach me on my website?

My youngest is about to graduate from high school, my oldest is mumbling about marriage, the two in between move into and out of our home constantly, so I understand change! It's what adds spice to our lives. My chant: the only thing I can control is me.

Looking forward to your book!

Sandy Rowland
6/5/2012 02:00:29 pm

Me coach on a web site? Ha! I'm learning as I go.
Great chant! Self control is a plus.

Thanks for the support.

6/4/2012 01:15:55 am

I LOVE change and when I don't get enough of it I feel stagnant. Sometimes I have to rearrange my furniture just to get some needed change. Life should be exciting and full of new adventures. With the addition of becoming a Creative Designer, my life has changed dramatically and I am loving every moment.
Thanks for always keeping such a positive outlook. It's refreshing and motivating. You are AMAZING with talents that abound.
(I LOVE your header too. Ü)

Sandy Rowland
6/5/2012 02:04:57 pm

I'm getting used to this latest round of change. It's never as bad as I think it might be.
This time, It's fun.
I appreciate your fun attitude and support. It energizes me.

And I LOVE the header. It's the best part of the site.
What would I do without you?

6/4/2012 01:28:19 am

I find if I keep dancing, my feet never rest on the hot coals long enough to cause blisters. Change scares the crap out of me, but breathes the essence of freshness into life. Good or bad, we grow and learn something. Nice site!

Sandy Rowland
6/5/2012 02:06:46 pm

Thanks for the support and walking me through the changes as a self publishing author.
Ahhh! I'm one step closer and it's exciting.

I'll keep dancing.

6/4/2012 01:33:40 am

Oh, man, can I relate to this post. My daughter is graduating from middle school on June 15th and my son from high school on the same day, just at a different hour. We're going to be running from hers to his with not enough time to get good seats. We'll probably be sitting in the bay in a boat since there won't be any more bleacher seats left! And I'm a person who has had to learn, and still struggles with, how I react to change. It used to be really super uncomfortable for me and I'd feel physically ill. Now, not so much. I'm trying to do as you are and embrace the change. It's all in my attitude.

Sandy Rowland
6/5/2012 02:10:47 pm

You're loaded with change. I bow to your willingness to overcome the difficult feelings it can raise. I usually suffer a moment of panic and then settle into, it's no big deal.
Attitude is everything.
It's as hard or easy as I think it is.
I choose easy.
Thanks for the support and the example of strength.

6/6/2012 08:24:24 am

I'm so glad your blog is back, Sandy. I've missed it. Great new look for your site as well. And good luck with your upcoming release. Conquered sounds awesome! :-)

Sandy Rowland
6/6/2012 10:11:06 am

Thank you, Rhonda! I appreciate your support.
I may not always comment on your insightful posts, but I gain much from reading them.

I'm excited about Conquered. Can't wait!

7/2/2012 01:43:13 am

Great blog! My family has always had a great link to the past and a great pride in where they come from. Some people don't think that's important, that we should focus on the country we live in or the family we're making now. However, I think that a large part of us needs to be linked to our ancestors. They have more to do with us then we think. From our holiday traditions, to the food we prepare, to the color of our eyes and even our propensity for chronic illness or emotional disorders. Learning about these things can help us be prepared, help us to honor them, and help us to evolve using the lessons of the past to guide us.

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