Okay, I don't often torture myself with January resolutions, but I have made a slew of changes in my life of late.

ONE: I gave up soda pop. There were headaches., but on day five that left and I feel great. Yahoo! I'm gluten intolerant and can't afford to mess with my digestion. Worth it!

TWO: I have a new cover for my Vampire Romance, CONQUERED. It's steamier and truer to the story. You can check it out on the BOOKS page. I love it!

THREE:  Time to get over myself and just write. Stop worrying about what others might think. Write for me. Yes, that means the characters may indulge in sex. I'm over it. Sex is a part of life and a blessing. Those who don't know this are doing it wrong. Sorry, but in my opinion

FOUR:  As you've figured out by now, I'm telling things like they are--or my opinion of things. You are welcome to disagree.
You have a right to tell it like you see it, too. I applaud that. I feel like a ten ton weight has lifted off my little body. Ahhh!
You might want to try it.

That's the short post for December. Plenty time for you to give your resolutions some thought.
What changes are you making for the New year?
It is your life, time to own it.

Best to you all and Happy Everything!

12/7/2012 03:10:25 am

I don't drink soda much, but I recently became lactose intolerant and giving up cheese has been terribly hard, but like you said, my digestive health is worth it.
I hate making tons of resolutions, but I do plan to write more and *try* to be more organized about it this year.
Great post. Happy New Year to you! :)

12/7/2012 08:12:23 am

I have a little trouble with lactose too. My digestion is still healing.
And I love cheese. Can't eat much of it. Bummer.
Don't worry about making resolutions, just call them goals. LOL
Like that helps. Thanks for the comments and Happy New Year to you too!

LL Muir
12/7/2012 03:12:56 am

Like you, I didn't want to wait until January to make some changes. I got rid of pop and reintroduced my body to water. I'm cutting back on sugar. The next step is to cut back on swearing. It was either that or milk and dairy and I'm not ready for that yet.
Bread and sugar might have to wait until after the holidays after all, but taking just one step--any step--toward self-improvement is new to me, and turning out to be very exciting.

I like the brave new Sandy. You might find yourself being even braver in about a year...

12/7/2012 08:15:59 am

You're the one that started me on the no pop path. Thank you for that and many other things.
Sugar should be the next step, but I'm waiting until all the candy is consumed, some by me. Why toss good chocolate? Someone has to eat it.
I'm hoping that I'm braver in a year. I already feel the shift and it's racing ahead. Who knows who I'll be when I grow up?

12/7/2012 03:13:17 am

The only New Year's Resolution I make it be a better me than I was last year. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Here's to you keeping your resolutions, Sandy.
And please tell me that's NOT a picture of your car trunk. :)

12/7/2012 08:18:37 am

You better than the year before? I think you're near perfect. How much better can you get?
And the picture was not my car trunk. It was just handy.
Ah, feels good to be off soda.

Thanks for the support and Happy New year.

12/7/2012 03:13:22 am

I love that you have set your writing self free:) I've done that also, for much the same reason as you. To each his own, I'm a live and let live, but for me, I wanted the freedom to write it as I saw it in my mind:)
Resolutions? Only one. Write MORE.:)

12/7/2012 08:20:43 am

I feel like there's been a private party and I just got invited. So many of us freeing ourselves. It's great to wake up and be among you.
Write more? That's a note on my computer wall. LOL
Thanks for the thoughts.

12/7/2012 03:59:31 am

I love resolution number three, probably because I need to hear it. I'm being asked to put a consummation scene in my book, and after much fretting decided to get over it as well.

My resolution for next year is to finish my current WIP, do the requested edits and submit them for the book I'm shopping out, and write a sequel to the first book. Oh, and diet, excercise, reduce swearing, cut out bad-for-me foods (I'll miss chocolate and bread, not necessarily together), and not lose my mind. I don't hold out much hope for the last one.


12/7/2012 08:25:04 am

Good for you and a brave move. A love story without sex isn't full and real. We need to believe that part works too. Applause for the shift!

You are one busy girl. Yeah for all the changes. great moves forward!
As for diet, etc, take it one step at a time. You'll do what's best for you.
I've already lost my mind. There was a time I thought about looking for it, but I like living without it. I make smarter choices now. LOL

Hugs and love.

12/7/2012 04:03:56 am

Great blog, Sandy. I am going to have so many resolutions this year I'm going to have to write them down.

12/7/2012 08:26:26 am

You do resolutions? Woman, you already have way too much to do. I'd give you one.
Stop laughing.

Best to you and hugs.

12/7/2012 04:11:13 am

Woohoo, Sandy. It sounds like you're making lots of good changes. In 2001 I was diagnosed with osteoprosis and told to give up soda. I didn't drink more than one a day, but I went cold turkey. I'm so glad your headachs finally went away.

Yeah, that you're letter your characters have sex.

12/7/2012 08:29:21 am

Giving up soda was tough, but I think I'm over most of the addiction.Sorry to hear about osteoporosis. I'm a little gal and it could become an issue. Wise to give up the offenders now.

And sex, yeah, I'm happy for my characters too.

12/7/2012 04:38:24 am

You already know my feelings on writing true to the story your characters tell. My resolution is to stop trying to make everyone else's life better and concentrate on what makes ME happy. Perhaps a bit self-indulgent but the sands in the hourglass are emptying quicker, and regardless of the life scene you're painted into, you are responsible for how you view the picture and not someone else. Love the new cover! Happy Holidays.

12/7/2012 08:31:55 am

I'm glad to be in such honest company. Life this way is far more interesting. Anything less isn't believable.
I love the new cover too. and wait until you see the cover for APOLLO'S GIFT. Get ready to wipe the drool off your chin.

12/7/2012 05:33:02 am

Great resolutions, Sandy. I indulge in two sodas a day, otherwise it's water all day long. I know I should probably give them up, but... Your post prompts me to think about what resolutions I should make...Hmmmm

12/7/2012 08:34:05 am

Hey, if soda works for you, all well and good. It just didn't feel good to me anymore.
And there is no should. I decided that a resolution was a gift to myself. something I wanted for me. Who cares what the world thinks?
I think this is part of menopause. LOL

12/7/2012 06:37:13 am

Way to go, Sandy!! I'm proud of you for being you and making improvements in your diet! I don't make New Year's resolutions anymore. I take things from a different angle now, and it can be any time of year. I've made a lot of improvements over the past couple of years.

12/7/2012 08:36:36 am

Thanks for the support! Resolution is a negative term and brings pressure. Mine just happened to coincide with the end of the year. I prefer the idea of taking care of me, creating the life I want. Thank you for being an excellent light along the path.

12/7/2012 06:37:49 am

Good job you! I came to the sex conclusion last year, and the telling it like I see it. :) Feels real good! :D

12/7/2012 08:38:09 am

Telling it like it is feels fantastic. A huge weight removed from my body. Ahh, I can breath.
Thanks for the support.
And happy New Year and much success!

12/7/2012 09:58:46 am

I'm proud of you, Sandy. You've taken control of your life and that's a good thing. I'm not one for making resolutions as it's like making lists and I rarely do that either. As far as your writing, I'd say you are on the right track. Writing from your heart is the best way to write. I've been learning that and trying to follow along that new pathway.

Best of luck to you in all things you do. :)

12/7/2012 11:07:01 am

Thank you for the pep talk, Paisley. You're an inspiration.
Here's for continued success in your writing and sales.

12/7/2012 10:11:11 am

All good, Sandy! I have several manuscripts for adult romances that i would love to take out and revise someday. Maybe a good goal for next year. I'm trying to be a kinder boss to myself and ease up on my production schedule this year. If I'm in it for the long haul, I figure it's best to pace myself:-) Blessings, my friend

12/7/2012 11:09:52 am

Those are worthy goals, but like you said, pace your sweet self.
I tend to be a race to exhaustion kind of gal. Working to get over that insanity. I like your thoughts on this and staying in for the long haul. It's what I want too.
Blessings to you also!

Donna Coe-Velleman
12/7/2012 10:18:41 am

Yay, good for you Sandy! I don't make resolutions because I rarely stick to them. But if I was going to make one it would probably be to get into better shape and a healthier lifestyle.

12/7/2012 11:12:07 am

Hey, goals are better than resolutions. I think the word scares most of us and feels like a mountain crushing down. Who needs that? I'm sure you do what needs doing when you're ready to work on it.
Being gentile with your self is a good thing. I need to do more of that.
Thanks for the wisdom.

12/7/2012 11:25:13 pm

C.O.N.G.R.A.T.S to you Sandy! The best resolution to make for New Years...and every day of your life is to be true to who you are.

When I went off to college, Mom said, "Just be Jude." As we all discover, listening to our mothers isn't high on our priority list! It took a chunk of my lifetime to figure out I didn't need to be a chameleon to fit in -- to be loved. I just needed to piece together the bits of me that made me feel happy, energized, fulfilled. Understand the possibilities of life when I dared to allow my own dreams to happen. Since discovering Mom knew best, I've resolved to "just be Jude." Some days I really like that person. Others days she gets on my nerves. But overall, I understand her heart. And that's the best gift we can give ourselves...understanding who we are when the lights go down.

12/8/2012 12:33:36 am

Thanks for the love. For me it took years to find who I was, much less give permission to be me. I'm loving who I am. I want to let her out, let her create. Just be Sandy. Thanks for the support and wisdom.
You're a blessing.

12/8/2012 12:19:37 am

I have sex scenes in my books (I just don't stretch them out through pages of explicit description) and not one church friend has told me anything but how they liked the book. So don't worry about it. It's part of life and adults know that.

12/8/2012 12:35:41 am

That's the conclusion I've come to. I don't go on for ten pages, but it is in there. It would be odd if it weren't not real or true to the story or the characters. Fake. I'm done with fake.
Thanks for the support, my friend.
And no worries.

Jennifer Page (JC)
12/11/2012 04:13:50 am

Resolutions....something simple so I will stick to it :)
I don't drink soda, don't smoke and rarely consume the good drink...
Hmm....my life sounds kinda dull...:)
But I could do more writing...I'm in!!

Thank-you Sandy! Love the post
Have a great Holiday Season~

12/11/2012 05:46:45 am

You live a clean life. I don't smoke or drink, but soda and sugar are my weaknesses. Soda is gone, I tackle sugar after the holidays. And writing more. Fantastic idea! I need to do that. Something to add rather than give up is a wonderful plan. I'm in on yours.

Jennifer Page
12/11/2012 06:52:50 am

Sounds great!!

p.s. love your website colour scheme and layout...

12/11/2012 07:46:52 am

Thank you! I love it too.


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